Sales Representatives
Today’s Representative Agency must be diversified and knowledgeable in a variety of areas necessary for developing market share and maintaining quality customer relationships.
Who We Are
Service is the lifeblood of our organization. Our sales-team has a combined total of 95 years in the HVAC industry, working at the contractor, service, delivery, wholesale distribution and representative agency levels. We enjoy a tremendous loyalty from our customers because we are there when they need us and they trust that our experience and familiarity with hydronic and HVAC systems will give them the technical assistance they need.

Our Goal
Our mission is simple-increase market share and Dyson Associates, Inc has the educated staff to sell, service and train to accomplish that goal.
We are very selective with both the number and the quality of companies we represent allowing us the time and concentration they deserve. It is important for us to know our customers by seeing them regularly, to understand their needs and to offer our expertise to help them sell more equipment.

Our sales-team offers on site service training, training at distributors’ locations and start-up assistance. We offer training seminars on a wide variety of topics such as venting and ventilation, steam and hydronic systems, service and new product introduction. We also continually run trips to those factories we represent for both training and informative visits.
Service is the lifeblood of our organization. Our sales-team has a combined total of 95 years in the HVAC industry, working at the contractor, service, delivery, wholesale distribution and representative agency levels. We enjoy a tremendous loyalty from our customers because we are there when they need us and they trust that our experience and familiarity with hydronic and HVAC systems will give them the technical assistance they need.

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